Hill Riddle & Associates

A Guide to Listing and Selling your home in or around New Orleans

It takes more than “location, location, location” to sell a home in New Orleans. Neighborhoods are changing, new developments city planning and our cityʼs unique topography are all factors in selling a home. 


When is the perfect time to sell a house? The answer is “whenever you are ready.” An experienced realtor can help you sell your home in any market. With our relationships, we can find buyers for million dollar mansions as well as smaller shotguns no matter the market trends.

You need an experienced realtor to help you understand what is happening now in the marketplace and how to take advantage of market movements.
We can help.


Pricing your house is complex and we get it. Hill Riddle, Jr. and his team have been selling homes in and around New Orleans since the 1980s. In that time, markets have risen and fallen. We can help you find the “sweet spot” that allows you to maximize your return within your time frame.


Online and discount brokers can put any home online. You need an experienced agent to list your house and get it noticed by an audience that is in the market for a home like yours. From descriptions and photographs to landscaping and repairs, your home needs more than 540 characters on the MLS.


Preparing your home for sale is of vital importance. We can work with you to present your home at its best. We may have to move furniture, paint, add or subtract some pieces to create a space that everyone can picture him or herself in. Get ready to clean out if you want to clean up on the price.